Our Vision

Changing people’s lives.

Our Mission

To change Malaysian people’s lives by providing the best nutrition and weight management products in the world.

Our Values

Our Customers
      We are driven by the needs of our customers and inspired by their stories.

Our Products
      Our commitment to the highest scientific and safety standards in product development and manufacturing is an integral part of our mission for nutrition. We are the products of the products.

Our Communities
      We make our communities better places to live and work.

Our Work
     We make decisions based on facts, not hearsay. We work hard and hold ourselves accountable. We strive for excellence.
Our Ethics
      We do the right, honest and ethical thing.

Our Attitude
      We make it fun simple and magical.
MNR Total Wellness Solutions

We are a group of successful wellness coaches based in Kuala Lumpur. In our team, we have coaches who have experience at least between 1 year up to 12 years in the field of Weight-Loss, Nutrition and Personal Coaching. Not only our coaches are fully trained but also have great personal experience on our products and services. You will realize that soon if we meet us in person or talk to us, that we walk our talk – we ourselves are consuming the products on a daily basis and following our teaching.

Guess what? Most of us started same way like you, we were just looking for a way to improve our health and most importantly our image.

Now, lets talk about how to get results and most importantly maintain the results. It’s easy to lose 5 or even say 10kg in a month but what’s the use if you gain it back the same or even more?

What do sports stars & successful business people have in common?

The answer is, they all use coaches and mentors in order to achieve and maintain their success. Who is coaching you towards success?

Now you can start on your road to better health, energy, and fitness. We will not only get you started on the perfect personalized program for your body, we will also act as your coach, help with follow up, answer your questions, and make sure you can get all the benefits you want from your program. On top of this, we could point you in the right direction and introduce you to some of the best coaches and mentors the world has to offer.

This is a vital part of our Coaching system’s answer, cutting edge nutritional products that taste great, personalized support from your dynamic coach and most experienced doctors behind the products we use to help you be the best you can be. We will help you design the perfect nutritional program for you to feel great . and alive!

Getting healthy and looking good is much easier then you probably think, but it is not at all as far away as it may seem, however, thinking about it won't get you there, take action now and join us and see how much easier life is with proper coaching and support.